Why Collaboration?



I found a Harris Poll that found most Americans working 8.7 hr/day.  BUT It found that we average less than half that (45 percent) performing the primary duties of our job.

What is taking time away from doing our job?  Fifty-nine percent of those surveyed by AtTask reported that they thought meetings were the most wasteful parts of their workday.



Put the two together, and it is possible to reclaim a chunk of wasted time.  Where?  Most point to unnecessary or inefficient meetings.


There exist smarter collaboration tools which raise worker productivity by removing distractions and even unnecessary meetings.

What are the specific obstacles to progress during meetings?  Often meetings are delayed by technical issues having to do with the AV system.  Secondary problems may come from difficulty in operating the display setup, so that the presenter’s message does not come across.

There are realtime device and image sharing systems, such as the Barco Clickshare, that allow employees to learn to work together intelligently,  that are simple to use, and are highly flexible.  This removes the time wasted waiting for someone to figure out how to make the system work, and the frustration and confusion that distracts even after the problem is solved.  These systems can be so simple to use that there is seldom a need for any intervention from the IT or AV support department.

While this won’t solve the problem of that one debate-team guy with a million ideas in your meetings, removing technology hurdles will make it possible to get information from everyone’s device quickly to a common screen, so that communication flows more fluidly and team members have access to the information and materials they need to produce high-value deliverables in a timely manner.

While this won’t solve the problem of that one debate-team guy with a million ideas in your meetings, removing technology hurdles will 



The result is that fewer initiatives get put to the side or thrown on the back burner. Plus, projects are often completed sooner.

Remove tech barriers to real-time collaboration and you allow employees to self-manage.  When there is more contribution, using the strengths of each individual member, there will be better, shorter meetings.

Dave Fahrbach